Imageclip der TU Chemnitz


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  • hochgeladen 26. Mai 2023

Chemnitz University of Technology is a cosmopolitan university with strong regional, national and international networks. It is home to about 2,300 academic and administrative employees as well as more than 9,600 students from about 90 countries. It is thus the third largest university in Saxony. In terms of the proportion of foreign students, Chemnitz University of Technology occupies a top position among state universities nationwide. Chemnitz, the European Capital of Culture 2025, can point to many years of positive development in gross domestic product and a high proportion of highly qualified employees. It also owes this to its university, as Chemnitz University of Technology is the intellectual heart of the city and has developed into an internationally visible research location for future value creation processes and sustainable future security.

Bildungseinrichtungen: TU Chemnitz
Berechtigung: Ja

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