HSE Student Project Topic: Short-term variability of stratification in a shallow pond


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  • hochgeladen 8. April 2023


  • Deep lakes of the temperate climate zone are known for their seasonal stratification.
  • Shallow lakes can show vertical temperature (T) gradients on short time scales.


  • Can the T gradient of a 2m shallow pond develop the typical 3 layers?
  • Does the temperature gradient lead to temporal pH and O2 gradients?
  • Which meteorological conditions control stratification and mixing?

Methods and Tasks

  • Analyze automatic sensor data from an experimental pond.
  • Perform regular measurements with a CTD probe (2 weeks, 2-3 times a day).
  • Analysis and interpretation of meteorological and hydrophysical data.
  • Visualize and interprete results and compare it with international literature.

Skills needed

  • Understanding of hydrophysical and limnological mechanisms
  • Excellent R skills, creativity and autodidactic abilities
  • Options: skilled craftmanship, electronics, Arduino C++ programming
Bildungseinrichtungen: Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften
Berechtigung: Ja

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