Faces - KP Interactive Sciene Lab - summer semester 2024


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  • hochgeladen 9. August 2024

from Leon Georgi and Robert Ludwig

In present times, it is commonplace for various technologies to observe different aspects of our lives. This surveillance can take place through our own mobile phones, but also through more external devices, e.g. in public spaces. While this observation has both positive and negative implications, people often remain unaware that this is happening.

Faces is designed to create a moment of surprise and realization for visitors and illustrate the presence of surveillance. At the heart of the exhibit are moving masks that are attached to the walls and rotate to observe visitors as they pass by. This is achieved by a LiDAR system that scans the entire exhibition space for visitors and calculates their position. The system then sends this data to a small single-board computer behind the mask, which then determines the appropriate viewing angle and adjusts the orientation of the mask accordingly.

Berechtigung: Ja

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