DataTracks - KP Interactive Sciene Lab - summer semester 2024


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  • hochgeladen 9. August 2024

by Lukas Luger, Simon Minch and Verena Well  
The amount of data that is collected online about an individual is used in a variety of ways, e.g. for targeted advertising, mass surveillance or even to influence politics. Although we know about this, many people still do not consider privacy in their daily lives. The Data Tracks exhibit was developed to highlight the importance of privacy and security. **Data Tracks** aims to give visitors a brief overview of their viewing and visiting habits. LiDAR sensors are installed throughout the exhibition to track and record visitors' movements. This also includes the time visitors spend at each exhibit. Their path is then displayed on a large screen. The visit times result in an interest profile, which is displayed as a graphic. An AI-generated short text comments on the profile in a (hopefully) humorous way.

Berechtigung: Ja

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